Beauty / Boobs / Nose / Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery, Yes or No?

Hello my Beauties,

Lets talk about my most popular post and videos…. Breasts and Plastic Surgery. We all have are own opinion on plastic surgery and whether it is okay or not okay to do. Everyone is different and has their own preferences in life, whether it be how they look or act. In my opinion their is absolutely nothing wrong with plastic surgery, it all the depends in the DEGREE of it.

For example; Most people dislike at LEAST one thing about themselves. It doesn’t have to be a physical feature. It could be something about their personality or even how they think. Plastic surgery is something in my opinion that people do to satisfy themselves. I don’t mean this in a sexual way omg haha. But to make them feel better about who they are, how they look and to make them feel more confident in themselves. The degree of plastic surgery is everything. Minor improvements are okay. Small enhancements to make you happy and feel comfortable with your own body. If their is a feature on your body that always brings your mood down, makes you feel insecure and depressed, then there is nothing wrong with putting your own money towards making you happy.

Name one thing about yourself that you don’t like, it doesn’t have to be something physical. Anything at all and think if whether it makes you feel sad or insecure at times. ๐Ÿ˜› It’s only natural for people to feel their is something they don’t like about themselves.

The human mind has been known to seek perfection, if it didn’t, civilization wouldn’t be where it is at today.

We also look to please, this doesn’t always mean we are looking to please others, we look for satisfying ourselves more then anything. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with our own satisfaction. Just like eating a brownie…. you don’t to eat that brownie, but my god it tastes good and makes you happy when you eat it, am I right? ๐Ÿ˜› hahaha!

Now to solidly get to my point in satisfying ourselves with plastic surgery. A nose job is plastic surgery, but if your nose is slightly crooked and it embarrasses you and makes you insecure with getting your photo taken, then there is nothing wrong with getting it fixed. Your not doing it for other people. Sure its a bonus that other people will think it looks good too, but what your doing is making yourself happy. This also works along with breast augmentation (boob jobs). I think we all know by now I want a boob job, my main reasoning behind me wanting one is to make MYSELF happy. I want to look in the mirror and see a womanly figure that I can feel proud of, be happy and know I will look nice in my cloths, be able to fill out the top part of dresses and so on.

Most people have been upset with my video on how to get bigger boobs. Saying I shouldn’t do this to impress guys and isn’t it a disappointment when they take off your bra. But that proves my point right there… I’m doing it to make myself happy. I not looking to take off my bra. I just wanna feel like I look good ๐Ÿ˜›

Everyone is different though. Some people make use makeup on parts of their body just to impress others or look for attention. Even with plastic surgery. Some may do it just for the attention. Some people may even do tons of plastic surgery for attention. But when it goes to the extent of major changes to the face and body that make you look totally different, then people should really consult some mental help. They quite possibly may have some major confidence issues or had an experience in their lives that mad them hate everything about themselves and look for help in changing who they are physically to comfort any pains they may have. Which is unfortunate.

Small changes are fine to please yourself, But they shouldn’t be changes, more enhancements. There is nothing different in plastic surgery compared to a tattoo. They are both permanent change to the body to enhance how you looked before.
Your body is your canvas as some may say.

I’m not saying surgery is the always the choice to do. Makeup works just as fine to enhance parts of your face and body. You don’t always need to do permanent change. But its what make YOU HAPPY ๐Ÿ™‚

About Author

Hi! I am Bronwyn Papineau AKA BiiBiiBeauty & BiiBiiBap. Welcome to my area of the internet :3 I blog about my life and review the things I love while I travel. I am a beauty blogger & youtuber in Toronto Ontario Canada who lived in Seoul South Korea for 2 Years, Tokyo Japan for 1 year, and Melbourne Australia for 1 year. So, come with me on my beauty journey!

1 Comment

  • Zelma Wedeking
    November 28, 2011 at 9:48 pm

    Unless it’s being forced, there’s nothing wrong with plastic surgery. It’s like getting your ears pierced, or getting a tattoo. Indeed, it can change you, and that change is good if you’re happy about the choice you made.


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